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Súper Rayo

¡Hola amigos!

We are rapidly coming to the end of the school year, so I wanted to share a fun story with you. It's called Súper Rayo, and it's about a normal kid who is also an awesome superhero!

Now it's your turn! Try to make your own súperheroe comic or short book!


Here are some words and phrases you might want to use:

Súperheroe - Superhero

Tiene... - Has...

Poderes - Powers

Problema - Problem

Secret@ - Secret

Mágic@ - Magic

Es... - Is...

Fuerte - Strong

Rápid@ - Fast

Buen@ - Good

Mal@ - Bad/Evil

Puede... - Can...

Volar - Fly

Lanzar - Throw/Shoot

Rayos - Lightning

Hielo - Ice

Agua - Water

Fuego - Fire

PS --- @ is a fun way Spanish speakers sometimes write words to show that usually they have an -o at the end, but can have an -a at the end if they are about a girl or a feminine word! For example, usually, the word for magic is 'mágico', but if you were talking about a magical girl, you'd write 'chica mágica' instead.


Good luck, and please send me your work! I would love to see it!

Un abrazo muy grande,

Ms. Metheny / Srta. Miranda

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