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¡No Me Gusta!

¡Hola, Amigos!

Today's story is about a picky girl who doesn't like very many foods!

Now it's your turn! / ¡Ahora te toca a tí!

Write about at least one food you like, and at least one food you don't like, and draw pictures to go with it! Use these phrases, and fill in the blanks:

I don't like: No me gusta ___________.

I like: Me gusta _______________.

Your parents can help you look up what any food you can imagine is called in Spanish! Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Helado - Ice Cream

Galletas - Cookies

Chocolate - Chocolate

Pastelitos - Cupcakes

Queso - Cheese

Verduras - Vegetables

Frijoles - Beans

Frutas - Fruits

Pasta - Pasta

Pan - Bread

Arroz - Rice

Sopa - Soup

Pescado - Seafood

Pollo - Chicken

Bistec - Steak

Papas Fritas - French Fries/Chips

Sushi - Sushi

Tacos - Tacos

Quesadillas - Quesadillas

Hamburguesas - Hamburgers

Perros calientes - Hot dogs

Mostaza - Mustard

Ketchup - Ketchup

Another useful word is 'con' - with -- that way you can say things like "Me gusta hamburguesas con ketchup. No me gusta hamburguesas con mostaza." Can you figure out what that means? :)

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